Wednesday, April 14, 2004

1.Grab the nearest book.

2.Open the book to page 23.

3.Find the fifth sentence.

4.Post the text of the sentence on your blog.

Here's mine:

The guy had a certain muscular resemblance to Popeye the Sailor, although I'd eat a can of spinach on the spot if he turned out to be a hard-working, good-natured type.--Lynne Murray, At Large

Um. I made it home. I can not bare to re-hash the whole horrible thing. Suffice to say that the entire time it seemed like his family just cussed at each other and hit each other. I hated everything there was to all swam or was weird, like caviar and raw beef. NYC is gross, crowed, and made me feel claustrophobic. Baltimore was ok. I also hurt my knee while gone...can barely walk today and have a UTI plus some other strange thing. I'm going to the Dr. in the morning. I love Texas/New Mexico. I know I could never ever live on the east coast.

Ohhh, one cool thing...I've now been to New Jersey. I have always wanted to go. I wanted to feel connected to Jon (bon Jovi, that is) and now I do. I've been to his homeland. Swoon.

States I visited on this trip: Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, New York...I had never been to any of those before!!

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