Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Since she went around on everyone else's "flooble" saying she wished she had a "flooble" could everyone PLEASE go say hi to poor poor Misti??? Thanks.

And while you're at it, Moe finally gave into the peer pressure and is floobling too. Good job, Moe...everyone go tell her so!

Oh yeah, and remember me talking about Vic getting that second job...the M-F, 8-5 one? Well, yesterday was his last day. From the get-go he was being dicked around about hours, pay, time off, working around school schedule, lunches, etc. He got a different story from every person he asked. You know the old saying about too many chiefs and not enough indians? That's how it was. SO yesterday was the last straw. He had been told when he was hired that he could be off last week and this coming week, that he would have 1 hour for lunch, and that he could leave at 4 on the days that he has class. Yesterday he was informed that people were pissed that he was getting off early for school (even though he would be going in a 7 am...that was still "getting to leave early"...whatever), that he most likely won't get lunches very often, and that he can not be off next week. SOOO, this morning after fretting about it all night, we got up at 7, I typed a letter that told them they were undependable and disorganized and that I would no longer be working there. I being Vic, of course...he just can't type :). So that's the end of that. I hate to say I told you so, so I'll just say it to yall. But I told him so.

I'm off to 24 hour Fitness for a swim.

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