Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Call me crazy, but I'd rather hear about good ol' M. Jackson (I'm sorry Mr. Jackson, I am fo' Real!) than about the damned old snow storm! When I'm wearing jeans, t-shirt, and flip flops...and it's like 10 something and still 60+ degrees; it's just really not news worthy to go ON and ON and ON about how much snow they got on the other side of the country. Now, if it lived in like Italy or Guam or something, then what happened on the other side of the country might be relivent to me. But I don't. And it doesn't. I mean, I can see that they should MENTION it...but it's not the "top news story" by any means.

And yes, I know that Guam is part of US and not it's own country. But it's fun to say, you know like BFE, but BFG??? See? Fun?

In other news, Frank's getting his balls chopped off tomorrow! No more manhood for Leroy Brown! Now THAT is newsworthy!

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