Saturday, February 22, 2003

I had class last night and today. Yes. It is Saturday. This class meets 5:30-9 pm on Friday night and 8:30 am to 5:30 pm on Saturday for 4 weekends. I'm home for lunch. It's "Working with Families: Analysis of the Virginia Satir Model." Now, I knew that Virginia's model was touchy-feely, but it is one of the best known models in working with families of addicts. SO, I thought that I'd go and analyze it and all would be good. Little did I know that my prof. would be a STUDENT of Virginia Satir. She's been dead forever, so why would I have thought that??? Yeah, well, she was a close personal friend of hers and believes in "experiencing" to learn, because of course, that's what Virginia believed. So I'm basically in group therapy. My whole class knows everything about me know, including the fact that I am NOT a touchy-feely person. Don't think I didn't tell my teacher that she was way too damn close to me for us to be caring on a conversation. We do not need to rub noses in order to hear one another. Did I mention that she is German, 80+ yrs. old, and commutes to UNT from SAN DIEGO?!

So today we've been at an inpatient treatment center. My group consists of me, a woman with multiple personalities who just underwent an exorcism by her BABTIST associate pastor before entering rehab to get rid of her demons aka personalities; a convicted sexual offender; and a heart surgeon from Pittsburgh who is a self proclaimed "sex addict, pill popper, and alcoholic."


I'm exhausted and I am only 1/2 way done with the day!

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