Sunday, February 09, 2003

My weekends could not be anymore useless unless I was like, dead. I do nothing, no, I mean, I do Nothing. I've become a weekend bum, just me and the poodles...oh, yeah, and the cat. But the only way I know he's here is because he screams when the poo's grab his tail. I have all my TV shows planed out, such as 20/20 and Sliders (reruns) on Fridays and Mad TV and SNL and Trading Spaces on Saturday. Since Vic works all night and sleeps all day, I do the same. I work hard watching TV and wasting time sitting on my keester all night, and sleep all day w/ him. Like today, I got up at 10...but by 2 he looked SO I just HAD to join him. We got up at 5. He took a shower and went to work. I checked my email and settled in the heated recliner. There are a million things I could have walk the dogs, laundry, save the whales...but, I didn't. C'est la vie, I suppose. At least for now anyway...

Oh yeah, the "Mock Fillet Mignon" aka "White Trash Fillet Mignons" (thanks to Vic)...are just hamburger patties w/ bacon on um. Tasty, but not at all like a fillet mignon. And the potato recipe was from Cooking Lite 'zine and they tasted like air until I added lots more butter. Maybe that’s why I’m fat. Are there really people that waste all that effort to eat something that tastes like air? I’m glad I’m fat, life is better this way!

Would you mind suggesting a HB Helper that is tasty? I'm tired of being creative. The only one I've had was the lasagna...wasn't a fan.

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