Friday, June 04, 2004

THIS is what I got Avery. Swimsuit and sandals and a hat. Well, Mandy got 1/2 of it. It's very cute and what Kim told me she wanted. I really wanted to buy THIS but it's not the one Kim wanted so I resisted.

In other news, seems the warranty will NOT be covering the over $6,000 in damages. They called today to tell me that when it was wrecked and we had it fixed, the body shop did not bolt the radiator back in right and it caused it to sit funny and rub the whole in the hose. SOOOO, Vic called the body shop and they were rude and said "we didn't even touch the radiator, this is not our problem" so he got the manager on the phone. We found the original estimate as well as the final itemized receipt and both mention radiator work. SO they lied. Last we knew, the body shop was headed to the VW dealership to take pictures of my Beetly. They never called us back, but we went down to the dealership and talked to our "service case manager" and he said that he is "optimistic" that the body shop's insurance will cover it all. But still, another damn weekend of holding my breath. If they don't we are going to get an attorney. This is the first time in my life that I've ever been serious about suing someone. I mean, after all, it does say in the bible that we should not sue each other (1 Corinthians 6:1-8) but if you try to work things out to no avail, then sometimes it's ok (Matt 18:15-17). I didn't grow up in a lawsuit family anyway, it just wasn't the way things were done. My family was more like the Mafia. Kidding. I wish, if so I would SO not be worrying about whether or not I will get my car fixed...I would KNOW it would be fixed. Ha ha.

I have had this disease for the last two days that I feel like I need to sneeze constantly and I can not. Vic gave me an allergy shot yesterday and I've been taking Clarinex. It kind of gets better and then it gets bad again. Like my eyes are watering so bad and I have the worst tingle nose but no sneezes. I would give anything to sneeze. I went in the kitchen last night and sniffed the pepper so I could sneeze and it was orgasmic. I felt better for a few minutes, but then it came back. This has never happened to me before and I hate it.

Wow, two blogs in one day. I'm good.

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