Wednesday, March 20, 2002

I just had sealants put on my teef. They feel funny. Like they don't fit together anymore, or they aren't MY teef. But that means no cavities! YEAH! My dentist is so nice. She is the girlfriend of this ultra cool chick that I used to work with, but she now works for CPS. She is so gentle, not that I ever have to have anything done that is painful...but like today, she had to DRILL out what was left of my old sealants. That could have potentially hurt, like had she hit a nerve or something. I was scared. But she didn't, and she hurried so that I didn't have to sit there any longer than I had too. Not hurried like did a bad job hurry, just hurry like got down to business, no dilly dallying. Next I'm off to get my allergy shot and to work. Today is the first day I'm getting the whole dosage of my shot. I'm a big girl now!

Thanks Moe, you are so smart. You made the sample cat links go away. Rock on.

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