Tuesday, March 19, 2002

Until about 6 months ago I would have called myself a "night person." One that prefers to be awake at night, and sleep in the day. You know, like a bat. It didn't ever bother me to live with the dreaded "morning person." It's the "morning dog" and "morning pussy" that has impacted my pattern of sleep. I no longer get to snooze until double digit hours, because although I do not have to poop Nancy in the morning (Vic's job), she tramples me as soon as she comes back in. I've grown to love her morning kisses that arouse me from my slumber; sometimes I'm even awake before she slobbers me. Occasionally, I cat nap for another hour or so until about 8 or 8:30 am.

The point of all this is this: when one is awake early, they typically go to bed early. I can no longer claim to be a "night person." Therefore I no longer take phone calls after 10 p.m., MISTI. Not only was I asleep last night, but I was asleep with the help of vanilla stoli (read: vodka). Now, I understand that you were having sleeping issues...I understand those well, if you will remember back to my most recently triumphed addiction. And I am by no means mad. Just putting up notice for future reference. Much love, of course.

If you do decide to go ahead and call at God forsaken hours, please leave messages so then I can at least know who is annoying me. I hate to be halfway woken only to hear someone hang up on the machine. Please, sing me lullabies.

Mandy is putting in a request to have it noted that her bedtime is 9:00, but I am aware that that is a tad unreasonable. She’s an old tuna, I mean, woman.

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