Sunday, March 24, 2002

Spring Break is over today. I have not really felt like it was even ever here though because I have this midterm due tomorrow just looming over my head. Nine questions, a page each, all requiring research. All very boring. If any of you would like to see my torture, here is the link:

If you have answers to anything other than 1, 2, or 6 (the only one's I've completed), please, send them to me. Can yall believe this is due the first day back from SB? That should totally be against the rules. There should be nothing due the week after SB, because it is just that...a break. I looked up the word break in the dictionary:

Holy schmoly, that is a lot of meaning for one simple word.

It's also awards show night, I believe the Oscars. There are way too many awards shows these days, but tonight we are getting a special treat. Cirque du Soleil (who bring us O and Mystere in Las Vegas: ) are doing part of the show. As if the outrageous style of tremendously thin people wearing ultra expensive borrowed jewelry is not enough of a reason to tune in, now you have an excuse. You know, pretty soon they will have an awards show for the best awards show. Maybe with categories such as "The most women not wearing black" and "The most 'I couldn't have done it without --------' speeches."

Mom thinks lil' bro Will has pneumonia. Poor, poor Me-mum. He is nothing like his sister though; he went to school anyway so that he can keep his no absence record. He did miss one day, for the funeral, but he made it back in time for math. They do something cool at good ol' Hobbs High these days, if you have a certain grade and below a certain amount of absences, you do not have to take finals. He is aiming for that in math, seems Calculus 18 is a little difficult for the Matthews' brainchild. Just remember, bat guano, C's get degrees; C's do indeed get degrees. Just ask Cousin Misti.

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