Friday, May 24, 2002

Close. Very close.

"Cali, Cali, I'm going back to Cali."

My cousin was on the cover of the good ol' Hobbs News Sun last weekend. It was a cheesedick story about strengths and over coming obstacles. He quoted my neat football coach uncle as his inspiration. I meant to save it for my future children to see. More for the proof how pathetic Hobbs is, but never the less, my dad wanted it for my grandmother. Damn the luck.

Two weeks from right this second Misti and I should be on a trolley. I left my heart in San Francisco many years ago and I'm pretty dern excited to go back. It makes it even more exciting that I'm goin wedding dress shopping. Well, I actually know the dress...I just have a dress maker friend there that is going to make it for me. Peggy Lutz is her name, fat girl clothes is her game. Even fat girls like Aretha Franklin and Kathy Bates. Kick ass.

William is here, we're going to see some movie tonight that I've never heard of. The New Guy or something like that. William says that I'm going to think it's stupid, but that's what he wants to see, so I'll be a trooper. Just wait til I tell him we are going to look at bridesMAID's dresses tomorrow.

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