Tuesday, May 07, 2002

I just home from the ER. 5 Cat puncture wounds to my right index finder. 5 hours later, a tetnous (sp) shot, prescription for strong antibotics, wound cleaning, them calling animal control, AND them telling me that if in 2 days it still looks infected that i will need to be hospitalized because cat puncture wounds don't clean very well...i am home. my first 2 fingers are taped together and have to stay this way for 5 days. i felt carson's tooth hit my bone. it hurt. i freaked out cause i thought his tooth broke off. i was trying to brush his tummy and about 15 minutes into it he got REALLY pissed and latched on. gross. anyway, i am peck typing with my right ring finger and my left hand normal, it sucks. so i don't think i will be blogging much. once i get to untape my fingers i will be back...we shall she if i can make it like this for 5 days. scan tron finals will be fun.

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