Friday, December 21, 2007

1. I spent Monday night in the ER because I went into anaphylactic shock after taking Avelox, an antibiotic that I have taken several times before w/out trouble. I drove myself there and parked in the grass (don't remember it) and when I walked in they took me straight back. Seen the movie Hitch? Yeah, me and Will Smith looked about the same...except I was the color of a firetruck and my nostrils were swollen shut. So if I'm ever with any of you in a Mexican ER or something...I'm allergic to Avelox, Cipro, and all other antibiotics in that class. Hope I don't get anthrax!

2. The antibiotic was to treat the same stinkin' sinus infection that I've been battling since Thanksgiving. It seems to be under a little better control, but now I have frickin' shingles. Yes, the same shingles that are related to the chicken pox and mostly old people get. I only have them in my upper respiratory system on the inside. Dr. thinks it's because of the stress of the sinus infection from hell. SO now I'm on Valtrex, you know, the one advertised for genital herpes? It speeds the shingles along, but that sure was neat to pick up from the pharmacy.

3. We were supposed to leave for Denver today but we didn't because of how sick I've been. We may leave tomorrow. I never missed work, though. That should tell yall how much I love my job!

4. Vic just got home from Albuquerque last night. He told me that he had my Christmas present in his carry on bag. As soon as he left the room I got into it. He was mad...BUT! He got me a Wii! I'm so excited! I wasn't supposed to get it until I graduate in August because we are afraid that I will play it too much...but he says that he has faith in my self control. So if I don't graduate in August, blame Vic and his misplaced faith in me.

5. Some of you know this, some of you don't. There is a chance that we may be able to adopt a baby. His name is Nehemiah and he is about 2 months old. He needs your prayers, and so do we! I spoke with his grandmother again today and she and the baby's mother are all for it. Nehemiah's father is having a hard time with it. CPS is involved and his mother has already had her parental rights terminated on another child years ago and is not interested in being a mother. His father is young and a good guy from the sounds of it, but just not able to be the main caregiver. The grandmother that I have been speaking with is a friend/employee of Bryan, Kim's husband, and is a widow with youngish children of her own she is still trying to raise. Her son is the father and right now she has court appointed custody. Depending on the father, this could happen next week or 6 months from now. I just would like for yall to continuing praying for Nehemiah, his father Andre, and his grandmother Toni. We, of course, want him to come live with us, but most importantly, we are just praying for God's perfect will. We know that he will end up where he is supposed to be, but the suspense is so hard! So just keep praying for us all!

6. I'm off to bed again. I'm feeling better since I have just rested today. I hope everyone is enjoying the last few days before Christmas...these are always exciting days. I'm not done shopping...but that would be the case even w/out almost dieing and having shingles. :)

Monday, December 03, 2007

Today has been a good day...I really like Mondays. And today I even got 4 stitches in my ass, right where it meets my know...right where my underwear can rub. AND my cat just yacked in the hallway as I was typing about my ass issue. I'm just glad it's not ass herpes, right Misti?

Anyway, the point of this here blog, is that I went to Albuquerque this past weekend for a big family affair. It was Vic's grandmother, Audrey's 75th birthday and her boyfriend, Jewels, threw her a big party. It was formal, (Vic wore a suit!) at a steakhouse and was very nice and so fun! It was all these old people that she had know like 30 years+ through Fred II (Vic's grandfather) being an officer in the Air Force. Including an old Italian guy that stood up and started singing beautifully in Italian and everyone but me seemed to know the song...but I raised my DP and swayed it along with everyone's wine glasses. Some of Vic's family from NY was there too, it was good to see them. It was like something from the Godfather or something...I expected Don Corleone to walk out at any minute! Vic had to work most of the weekend, so I didn't see him much...sad. So Sunday it was just me, Fred III, his mom Janice, sister Jennifer, and Audrey at church and then brunch. His parents have been divorced for like 25 years, but are still good friends. I really enjoyed it, including their company! My how things change...

Two additional bonuses: 1. I found a new brand of shoes! I bought this pair of Kumf's:

As you will notice, they have a little heal. Something I have not even considered in years due to knee surgeries and now evil plantar fascitis/heel spurs...BUT! These heels are at the best angle for PF AND have orthodics in them to make my feet happy (not to mention I purchased them at "Happy Feet"!). I put them and on I could have tap danced! I'm so excited to have some dress shoes other than my fancy birkenstocks!

2. We took a picture at the party that I'm hopeing will work as our Christmas card is SO cute!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

So I'm a little late with my list of what I'm Thankful for. Thanksgiving should be celebrated everyday, not the full bird and stuff(ing)...but the thankful part...this of course is not a complete list. Because that would go on forever. I am a very blessed girl and I do know it everyday.

I am thankful first and foremost for the fact that Jesus Christ is my saviour. I am continually humbled at the comfort He and His word provides me. I am so thankful that He died on the cross for my sins. And that because I learned that from my Mom and my Mema, I know that they are their with Him now that they are not here with me.

I am thankful for Vic, and that he is my husband. Twice. I'm thankful for all I learned from both marriages, and through our divorce. It brought us closer than I ever knew possible. He is a wonderful husband and I love him dearly.

I am thankful for William. We have been close for years now, but after loosing our Mom, I have a new appreciation for him and for the hand that we were dealt in life. He is more than a brother, he is a best friend.

I am thankful for my family. I grew up not really feeling like I was part of an extended family, but it turns out that I just had to be older to get to know them. Lance, Lori, Kelsi, Autumn, and Reagan--I can't get enough of them! I look forward to seeing them and am always sad when it comes to an end. Misti is the sister I didn't have, and even though there is distance between us, I think of her constantly. Allison is the more educated version of why I loved my Mother's family--she is quirky, kind, and complicated (in a good way). She has such a sweet spirit and inspires me to be a better person. I am thankful that I have gotten to know Randy and Tiffany better. I am also thankful for the Napoleon family. The more I get to know them, the more I like...even love...them.

My friends. I am the riches person I know when it comes to friends. I am so thankful to still have Jamey, Kim, Mandy, Tamalca, Bernadette, and others that have been around forever. I love them so very much! I am also excited and thankful to have made some new wonderful friends in the last few years-Susan, Catherine, Donna, Kelly, Amy, Aimee. Such neat people!

I am thankful for my job. I never imagined that I could be so happy at work. I look forward to seeing my kids and my coworkers each day. This job has brought me new friends, great experience, a lot of happiness. I love that I look forward to Mondays.

I am thankful that I am moving to a new place. It's still scary, but I'm up the the Albuquerque challenge...I love adventures. And with God being in control of this one...I am positive that good things will come.

I am thankful to have Madison (Maddie) in my life. She intriged me from the minute I saw her and I had to research Jacobsen Sydrome...didn't find much I just had to figure her out on my own. But then I just fell in love. She is what life is all about--love, fun, hugs, and laughter. I am also thankful that her parents have entrusted me in their wills that she is mine should something, God forbid, happen to them. I smile just thinking about her!

I am thankful for my animals-Nancy, Carson, and Woobie brighten each day!

Other random things I'm thankful for: Tivo, Sonic, XM radio--especially the Christmas music stations!, American Airlines for getting Vic and I back and forth safely to each other, and the internet!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Some of you are wondering why I called Sheri the Horse Whisperer. Well, maybe not, but I'm going to tell you anyway.

One night a few weeks ago I cooked dinner for Dad and Sheri. As we were sitting at the table I referenced "speaking with Nancy" and she said "That's ok, I talk to dead people." We all ignored it and moved along to something else. A bit later, just me, Dad, and Sheri were sitting in the living room. She said it again. She kept explaining how she talks to my mom all the time. She said that the very first time she was in the house alone that Mom came to her to let her know that it was ok for Sheri to live in my parents house with Dad. She said that they have spoken several times since then and Mom is very happy and healthy, in fact, she can tell by Mom's personality (!) that they would have been great friends had they known each other before Mom died. She assured Dad and I that she doesn't seek out the dead people, they find her. She talks with her dad that died when she was 13 often too.

I sent Dad a text message the next morning that said, "I talk to dead people too and Mom said she's not talking to Sheri." I also mentioned that Dr. Butler, mom's long time psychiatrist, could help Sheri w/ those voices. He laughed. Did I mention that the whole time she was telling me this that he was rolling his eyes. He says it's "pish-posh."

So here's my thoughts, assuming I believed in such things:
1. I'm pretty sure that mom would have contacted Dad, me, or William rather than Sheri.
2. Where's Nana when you need her?
3. Has Rowdy barked at her and is it true all dogs go to heaven?
4. Even if she really does believe that she is hearing from my Mother, why would she tell me? It's manipulative, because you know, I'll like her better if Mom says it's ok!

and finally...

5. What the hell is wrong with my father? I didn't know that he could find someone crazier than my Momma...but I'll be damned...he did.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

So here it is the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and I'm sick. Had a sinus infection since Saturday...basically since about 16 hours after my 9 day break started. I started antibiotics so I will be better soon.

But, kinda like being all dressed up and no where to go...this Thanksgiving I'll be all healed up and no one for us to celebrate with. It's me, Vic, and the 4-legged friends this year. Dad and Sheri (aka The Horse Whisper) went to Illinois today to spend TG w/ her family, William and Heather left here today to go to Carlsbad to her families, and Lance, Lori & the gang leave tomorrow for OK for her families. We did all get together at Lance's last night and had the big traditional TG dinner...but between it being Monday, being sick, and it being 80 something didn't feel much like TG.

Just 2 years ago my parents had just moved into their house in Denton, I was dating James, and my mom and Mema were emailing/snail mailing me recipes because that's what they did every year during the holidays. Now my dad and his new wife are preparing to build a new house, I'm married Vic again, and my mom and Mema are dead. I guess all those changes have happened gradually, but you really feel it at the holidays.

November happenings that are making this TG even harder:
Nov 12, 2007-would have been my parents 31st wedding anniversary.
Nov 18, 2007-would have been Mema's 72nd birthday.
Nov 25, 2007-would have been my Mom's 52nd birthday. (William and I gave her Christmas dishes for her birthday 2 years ago--they were lost in the garage fire my dad and Sheri had in July)

I do have so much to be Thankful for...but I wanted to type this out before I reflect on that...get it outta my fingers so to speak...but more in a few days. Vic just told me to go lock myself in the bedroom and not come out until I feel better (meaning, until I'm being nicer to him!) so that's where I'm headed--Sorry Vic.

Something I'm thankful for: how many good things I have DVRed.

Safe traveling and cooking ventures to all!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Here are a few pics from Halloween. I was, of course, Alice from Wonderland. The first is of my dear dalmatian friend, Amy Waller, she is the teacher I do inclusion with. The second is of me reading "Spookly the Square Pumpkin" to my class. My and Amy's other compadre in inclusion, Donna, was supposed to be the Queen of Hearts with me...but she chickened out. She was the one taking the pictures...we didn't let her be in any of them because she was simply wearing a pumpkin shirt & earrings...not looking foolish like Amy and I!

Monday, October 15, 2007

She passed away this morning early. She was only 71.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

This is fabulous. If you have not seen Joy Nash's first fat rant, you should go to You Tube and watch it. Love Joy!

Friday, October 12, 2007

My very dear grandmother has small cell lung cancer. Lots of prayers would be appreciated. Peace and less pain is what she needs.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Albuquerque anyone? I'm moving there. As to when and where...details will follow.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Apparently I am the only person in the whole world that didn't get the memo that you only space once after the punctuation at the end of a sentence. Only on typewriters do you do so. Maybe it's because I learned to type in 10th grade on a typewriter by a 100 year old woman. But still, I'm pretty dorky like that and am just appalled that I didn't know this. It is going to be a very hard habit to break.

The mental image that comes to mind when I think of who watches sports: fat, beer drinking men. I went to 5 fat man stores to look for a college t-shirt for college t-shirt day at school tomorrow and couldn't find anything except for a large selection of A&M Aggie stuff. Why? I found lots of t-shirts with skulls, Jack Daniels, and Pink Floyd on them...but nothing with UNT, TTU, UT, WHATEVER! Like I'm picky about what college is on my long as I can wear it w/ jeans, it's fine with me. Well, unless it has an Aggie on it...that's where I have to draw the line (sorry, Wendy :)). Do you think anyone will notice if I wear my Houston Texan's shirt tomorrow? It is the only thing even kinda close that I have...

Saturday, September 08, 2007

"Why are you eating dinner on nursing home hours?" said Mandy Rue to Amanda. Well, because when you eat breakfast at 7 and lunch at 11ish, then dinner is at 5 or 5:30...even on Saturday, my dear Mandy.

The first two weeks of my 3rd year of teaching are over and not a moment too soon. It's so hard after a summer of sleeping until noon everyday to go back to getting up before the sun. Especially when you throw in a 3 day weekend after just one week back! But it has gone relitively well, it's much calmer than last year! I think I'm going to enjoy 3rd grade resource. My kids are really sweet and very cute...but just one exception, but I'm working on that one!

Vic is in Albquerque until Wednesday. He'll just be here until Sunday though. He is starting orientation at the VA in Alb. next Monday, so he needs to be back. He got a job doing x-ray every other weekend just to make some money while he is learning the new stuff for biomechanical jobs. I'm going to Alb. from Oct 4-8th.

It will be our 5 year anniversary on the 5th...well, since the first wedding, which is the one that we have chosen to celebrate. Since 10/5/02 we have been through a lot, so I think we should celebrate that we have ultimately made it...for better or worse :). While I'm there I'm hoping to see Pud too...I haven't seen him since we got married 5 years ago either!

Did I mention that I got a costume for Story Book Character Day (aka my school's version of Halloween)? I'm going to be Alice from Wonderland. I put it on and I look just like her, but fat :). I even have a trippy pink cat, but unfortunately he can't go to school with me! Ha!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Happy 23rd Birthday to William! Yeah!! Wish I was there to celebrate with you! I love you!
This is for Andra and Misti--it's the survey that you both just did that was in little boxes. For some reason the boxes did not copy/paste!

The song "Amanda" by Don Williams and "Michelle" by the Beatles. My mom told me that a long time ago, but as she got older and more refined, she denied it. But whatever!

While watching the finalle of So You Think You Can Dance. Yeah, I'm a sucker. But I do have tour tickets for the Dallas show--whoa-hoo!

Depends on if I'm having a good day or a bad day. Or when I see some other peoples--then I love mine.

Boarshead Peppered Turkey

Only the furry four legged kind.

Absolutely, I rock.

Absolutely not. It offends me.


No thanks.

Kid: Pops Grown up: Cherrios w/ a banana

No, but then when I go to put them on again, I'm completely annoyed that I did that.

I manage.

Snow cones

how they present themselves-confidence


that I procrastinate

My Mom

If they feel inclined

Jeans & silver Heidi Klum Birkenstocks

Quiznos Turkey Guacamole Lite

Kids in the hallway at meet the teacher night

a broken melted one w/ the wrapper pealed off (I'm tired--I've been at work for like 10 hours and I'll still be here for a few more!)

New cars, Nancy poodle home from the groomers, gas, the oil field


I love them both!




nope, I love my spectacles

today: peanut butter

documentaries/weird independent movies

Bourne Ultimatum


winter, I hate heat


banana pudding, coconut cream pie

Don't know

The ones who have already done it


Petsmart Charities-a yellow lab snuggling w/ a gray kitty

news, weather channel


No thanks.

I guess Hawaii-me three!

SO many. I keep track of many random stories w/ Misti--we are especially talented together!

Hobbs, New Mexico

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Did I mention that I am the proud owner of this? No babies yet, but she will be excited when she's born. And yes, I know there is a chance of having a boy. He will love poodles too.
Vic and I just got back from a road trip. We drove to Denver, then to Midland, then home. We were gone 8 days. That's about as long as I can be gone without being so homesick that I swear I'm never leaving again. But we had a great time. We stayed with William in Denver, well, Lone Tree, CO, and saw Vic's Mom and sister who live in the area as well. We stayed with Meestee in Midland, of course. We shopped and ate Taco Villa and sat outside. A good time was had by all! Vic had an especially good time playing with Davis. We also had a family dinner w/ the fam damnly at Cheddars and then went to Meestee's. It's weird that we used to sit at Nana & Pa's house and then Denise & Huck's and NOW Misti & Danny's.

I only took two classes this summer, but one of them, taught by the head of the program, required a 95% to get an A. Grades posted last night and I made two A's. Making my GPA a 3.9...I made two B's in rehab MS classes back when I first started. But I have a 4.0 in my MS of Special Education program. I'm smarter than the average Amanda, if I must say so myself. I only have 3 classes left to graduate and that won't happen a moment too soon!

School starts back next week, kids start on the 27th. I'm ready to start back. I'm really excited about this year--teaching 3rd grade resource and all. Of course, you wouldn't know that I was ready to go back by looking at my classroom, which is pure chaos. I moved rooms again and everything is just sitting up there in boxes.

As probably all of you know, Vic and I got remarried on June 8th. I was hoping that my grandparents did not know. They are not the most understanding people and are rather set in their ways. That's one of the reason's I haven't talked about it much on here. But they now know, they aren't thrilled, but I suppose they will get over it.

In related news, back in June of 04 I blogged about not being excited to go to Aimee's bachelorette weekend in Lubbock because Vic had just told me that he wanted a divorce and my whole world was crumbling down. I, of course, went and didn't talk about what I was going through as not to steal her thunder. With the exception of telling Leah while there. Well, apparently she has just stepped into the 21st century and begun reading blogs, dispite my sending her and everyone else the link back when I started it in 2001. She sent me just the paragraph that I wrote about it on Myspace about a month ago. I wrote her back and she didn't respond. So just to clear up any confusion, I was only not excited because I was really sad, not because of Aimee or any other bitchy reason.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

I made the best chicken for supper tonight. It was so good I think I need to share!

Quick Oven Fried Chicken Strips

1 pound chicken tenders
Greek or Mediterranean seasoning or other seasoning blend (I used Greek Seasoning--it's SO good!)
1/4 cup white wine
2 tablespoons spicy brown mustard
Italian seasoned bread crumbs

Sprinkle chicken tenders lightly with Greek seasoning. Prepare a cookie sheet with foil sprayed with non-stick cooking spray (I just used the Release one w/out spray). Mix wine and mustard in one bowl. Put bread crumbs in another. Dip chicken in wet ingredients and then roll in bread crumbs.

Place on cookie sheet. Preheat oven to 475° put chicken in and bake for about 12 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through. Serves 4.

Friday, July 20, 2007


That's what the giant bumper sticker said on the back of a truck in front of me today. I was so offended. Like, I felt like my mother because my mouth well open and I started saying things like "Why. I never...." and "Who does he think he is?!" Vic was offended too, which actually kind of surprised me...I mean, he should have been, but he didn't even chuckle or anything.

It got me thinking. With all of the focus right now on people, and rap music, saying the "N" word, the "B" word, and the "H" word (which Al Sharpton says is "Ho" but I prefer thinking of the bad "H" word as "Hillary" HA!), words have the meaning we assign to them. If I take offence to the word bitch, then I have let someone control me with their words.

Think about the word "gay." It's my aunt's middle name. It did not used to mean homosexual, it used to mean happy and sunny. But we have transformed the meaning and a lot of people use it trying to hurt others. BUT, if other's are not offended by it, it looses it's power. The same with claiming the word FAT, which I personally love to use. I'm fat. When someone calls me that, even when I can tell they are trying to be rude, it is still a word that I like...and it doesn't bother me. That word doesn't hurt. I'm sure that some African American people have done the same with the "N" word. They have claimed it to take it's power away. But it is a word that offends me. When I hear it used, I cringe because to me it is the a worded that is filled with hatred.

But then, we have thoughts/ideas/statements like the above mentioned. What kind of looser thinks that is cool in any form or fashion? I feel so sorry for any woman that encounters this creep. That is so degrading to women. One brought him in to this world and another one probably gave birth to his children. SO, where I am really not offended by words...and do believe that letting something like this get to me is giving him some power over my feelings...I also think that sometimes we just have to take a stand for what is good and decent. And this is not. So, preach on Brother Sharpton, I smell whatchur steppin' in with this one and am going to make a conscious effort to watch my mouth.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

For those of you who have NOT seen the movie Shag--this will not mean nearly as much to you.

I love it, something I've probably told yall before. Jamey's sister, Jill, introduced me to it somewhere around 1989-90. It's still my favorite movie. It's one of very few that I can watch over and over again and still be completely delighted. It's a coming of age movie about 4 girls who go on a last fling before one of them gets married. They tell her and their families that they are going to Fort Sumter to learn about their "heritage," but instead take her to Myrtle Beach to "be wild and meet boys." Anyway, it's always been a dream of mine and a few dear girlfriends to go to Myrtle Beach.

So that brings me to this Friday, when Vic and I are leaving for Topsail Beach, NC for 6 days. We are going with his family-they have a beach house there. I just got online to see what I might want to do while there and just thought I'd check to see how far Myrtle Beach is from where we will's only 2 hours! So, then I was looking at the events in MB, SC and found this:

The Sun Fun Festival has a big part in the movie and I just can't believe that it really exists!!!! I so thought it was just something made up for the movie! We have actually missed the main part of it...but they are still doing a "concert series." Maybe we will put on our Shaggin' shoes....ha ha ha!

Anyway, even though it is not the way I dreamed of going to Myrtle Beach--I always knew I'd see it for the first time with my friends...I am still going to check it out. I'm 100% positive that it is nothing like the movie or my imagination; but just to say that I have been there will be exciting!

It'll be the MOST FUN!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I've had so much go on since school ended. I'm going to give a fast re-cap!

Wednesday May 30-Vic & I drove to New Orleans a few days early for Whitney's wedding. We got there about 10 pm or so. At about 10 am the next morning, Vic's Mom called to tell us that his grandfather, Bob Post, had passed away. We stayed until Sat morning so that we could see Tamalca Friday when she flew in; but we had to miss the wedding. We got home at about midnight Sat night.

Sunday June 3rd-We flew out on a 7 am flight to Syracuse, NY. They lost my luggage with EVERYTHING in it. We waited a while after we got there, but finally had to go buy me something to wear to the funeral the next morning and some necessities (toothbrush, deodorant, basic make-up, undies, etc....) and Vic a suit because he forgot his.

Monday June 4th--Funeral & activities from 10 am to 5 pm. The church didn't have on the A/C and it rained ALL day, including when we were at the grave site for the 21 gun solute. At about 4 o'clock it occurred to me that if we didn't get our marriage licence before 4:30 the next day, that we would not be able to get married on Friday due to TX requiring a 72 hour waiting period after getting the license and getting married. I completely freaked out because we weren't flying home until Wednesday, which was too late. We entertained everything from having Mandy overnight us our birth certificates and doing it in NY to canceling the whole thing. My luggage finally arrived after the funeral--they set my bright red suitcase on his grandmother's porch in the rain. Neat.

Tuesday June 5th--I called the JP and explained the story. They told me that we could go before a judge and ask for a wavier for the 72 hour rule and it was up to him. I told them we would be there first thing Thursday morning.

Wednesday June 6th--We flew home and arrived at 6 pm or so.

Thursday June 7th, 8:00 am--We go to the court house. We have to sit threw all these CPS cases where the kids have been removed and they were checking on the parents to see if they were working on their service plan to get the kids back. It was torture. They kept saying "piss test" like it was a normal, non-offensive term. Gag. Finally the judge said "Where's the couple that just wants to get married???" We went up to his bench and had to explain why we didn't get it on time. He granted the waiver, he said we had the best reason he had ever heard that many times people come in and say "we are too in love to wait 72 hours!" Again, gag. The rest of the day we had to shop to get ready for Friday night; and await the arrival of Vic's mom and grandma from NY.

Friday June 8th--We had to shop for something for Vic and his mom to wear to the wedding and get everything ready. 4:30-went to the JP and got re-married. 5:30--had dinner and cake at Dad's with about 20 or so people.

Saturday June 9th--Everyone went home. The 9th-16th Vic and I just hung out. And I worked on school stuff, which had started June 4th(!).

Saturday June 16th--Vic went to work in Albuquerque with his dad. He's still there.

Wednesday June 20th--My birthday, had dinner w/ Dad, Lance, Lori, and kids. Kelsi (who's 15 now) came home with me. She went to basketball camp the 21st-23rd from 9 am to 9 pm.

Friday June 22--I went to swim with Maddie and her mom, Kelly. It started to rain. I was driving home on a 2 lane road. I came to a complete standstill while trying to turn left. A 16 year old kid rear ended me really hard. His car was so smished. My back bumper is crunched, but I'm fine. It was pouring rain and I was in my swimsuit and towel. So I never got out of the car. Luckily, the kid has insurance so they will be fixing my car.

Saturday June 23--Dad and Sheri came to the award ceremony of Kelsi's camp and then to dinner with us. When they got home they went in through the garage. My dad's big pimp Cadillac with about 12,000 miles and only 1 year old had caught on fire. There was a 3 foot hole in the hood and much of the car was melted. The entire garage was covered in black soot stuff. It melted the frig door shut and the sprinkler system box cover off. The fire chief told Dad that in his 20 years he had never seen a car fire not burn the whole house down. Sheri's car was in the garage too, it will probably be deemed as totaled too because of the smell--which is horrible! I told my dad it was my mom haunting them. He said that Sheri had already suggested that. But if it was really my mom, Sheri's car would have burnt to the ground. I think it was just a warning from Mom. You know the saying,"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." Ha!

Monday June 25th--Kelsi and I go swim w/ Maddie and Kelly. Then I took Kelsi to Frisco to meet Lori. When I was leaving Kelly called to say that I could never come swim there again Friday when I left there, I had a wreck. Monday right after I left, their house got struck by lightening. It fried everything that was plugged in--tv's, Tivo, computers, phones, clocks, A/C, etc. It also arced through Kelly's arm--in the elbow, out her fingers. She said it hurt like a bitch. Maddie is developmentally disabled. She is very reliant on her TV, DVD player, Tivo, computer, etc. She completely freaked because they were all gone. It was a very long night for them.

SO I slept all day yesterday and pretty much today. It's been nice to be lazy. I'm really going to try to be better about blogging more. There really is no excuse now. Especially since Vic will be home Sunday and Dad's wedding festivities begin. Fun, fun. 7/7/07 at 7:07 p.m. is just around the corner!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Happy 29th birthday to me! Happy 29th birthday to me! Happy 29th birthday dear Amanda! Happy birthday to me!

I think I like 29 better than 28. 28 was boring. 29 is a little more exciting...because the next one is like the official birthday to be a fo' real grown up. I don't think I will mind being 30.

Anyway, today was great--uneventful--but great. Thanks for all the wishes to those who wished me...and to those who didn't...remember, last day of spring, day AFTER Juneteenth, June 20th. Next year, it will be important for you to welcome me to the 30's. Ha.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Happy Birthday dear Mesteee! It's the LAST one in the 20's--hope it's fabulous! I love you!

Monday, May 28, 2007

This school year felt like 467 years. And the last 2 weeks took up at least 400 of um. But I am proud to say that I made it through teaching a year of severe and profound children. I started with 4 kids, 1 withdrew in March, so I ended the year with 3. The parents of 2 of the 3 I ended with told/wrote letters to the principal telling them that I was the best teacher their kids had had in their 5/6 years in our district. I worked my ass off--at least on most days. I loved these kids. I wiped noses (thank God I convinced other people to wipe asses!), was used daily as a papertowel, sang all kinds of ridiculous songs, endured hours upon hours of Sponge Bob and Kipper the fucked up british dog, and did my very best to do what was best for my kids. I have to say, that it wasn't as bad as I felt like it was going to be when I first found out I was doing it. But it was hard. I got my ass kicked, learned that I can indeed run, and left school many times in tears.

But I also learned a lot about God and his amazing plan for each and every one of us. I learned what pure joy looks like in the faces of these kids. I also learned how to remain patient when I really want to scream. I've learned to see strengths and run with them--hopefully fast enough to hurdle the weaknesses. I will never forget how hard I laughed with these kids or how my heart broke when they would cry. I think I started the year loving them for what they were not; but I ended it loving them for what they are.

But I've also learned that I don't want to be in a severe and profound classroom. SO, I have now, after much deliberation and a few different job possibilities, accepted the job as the 3rd grade inclusion/resource teacher. My dear friend, Waller, who was the 3rd grade resource teacher has decided to move to 3rd grade general ed., so I'm taking her place. She will have the inclusion kids and I'll be in her room a lot and also have a pull out group. But not until a very long, peaceful summer--with the exception of 9 hours of summer school--but after the year I've had--that's nuthin'!

I am also planning to reacquainted with all of the people that I didn't really talk to over the last 9 months! I can't wait to have the energy to have a social life again!

Wednesday (day after tomorrow--wowzers!) Vic and I are going to New Orleans for Miss Whitney White's wedding. Hopefully I'll be over the sinus yuck I'm snorting with right now. We are driving and staying until Monday. I'm pretty excited about it. Tamalca gets there Thursday, Dad & Sheri get there Friday. School starts for me on the 5th. Gettin' hitched on the 8th. Then sometime I'm going to Midland, Denver, North Carolina, and Albuquerque. Good times.

Happy Memorial Day!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

This week is "Teacher Appreciation Week" at school-sponsored by PTA. They sent home a nice little letter letting the parents know what they would be doing for us each day...breakfast one morning, lunch 2 days, sweet treats, etc. The letter also included daily suggestions for what parents should send. They included things like a Thank You note, a flower (picked, drawn, whatever), etc. All week I've gotten the sweetest things...cupcakes, a grow your own flower pot, a cute dry-erase board shaped like a flower, lots of nice notes, etc.

Today said "Your teacher's favorite drink." I got On the Border Frozen Margarita Mix. Because my parents KNOW. Ha!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Heather created her and big Willie-style a weddin' website. Here's the link:

I had a job interview today. I am not sure how it went. I wasn't in there long and she didn't ask me very many questions...but then she told a principal friend of mine that I had "all the right answers and was just as sweet as I could be." SO I don't know, but keep prayin' that I get it because the more I find out about next year on my current campus...the less I wanta be there!

I don't think I've mentioned this yet, but Jennifer Chappell is prego for the second time and just found out she is having faternal twins! I'm really excited. Some of you know the history of she and I not talking for so many years, and how we were "reunited" at my mom's funeral...anyway, I'm so happy to have her back in my life. I was so sad when we stopped talking...but I had obviously moved on...but now that she's back, I remember why I was so sad to loose her--she is just awesome. SO, she was due Nov 16th, but now it will be earlier because full term is only 36 weeks for twins. Fun stuff!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Only 20 school days left. A mere 4 Mondays. I am SO done with this year. It has been emotionally and physically draining. This year has flashed before my eyes because I've been too exhausted to do anything other than work and get ready for the next time I have to work. I can look at it and see how much I've learned and I am happy that I did it--I think I'm a better person for it...not to mention that I've fallen in love with a couple of kids. But enough is enough. I've been applying for other jobs in other districts (I'm also DONE with most of the people I work with). I have an interview next week at a brand new school in Denton. Say some prayers, please.

This summer I am taking 9 of the last 15 hours I have for my M.Ed. They all should be interesting. An inclusion class, mild to moderate disabilities, and a research class. The research is the only one I'm thinking will be hard because it will be time consuming.

Other than that, we are going to my friend Whitney White's wedding ( the weekend of June 2nd in New Orleans and maybe North Carolina with Vic's family in mid July to stay in their beach house. I'm also for sure going to Castle Pines, CO to stay with William, Albuquerque to see Vic's family, and to Midland to see my Misti.

Have I mentioned that we are getting married (again)? Probably the end of May/early June. Whenever the mood strikes, I suppose. Remember how I said that I'd never marry the same man twice? Well. I'm not hungry, but I'll eat those words...and wash them down with some cake and champagne.

Of course, I have to make it through the next 20 days to get to do all this...pray about that too.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Jamey K.!

I can't believe it's our last year in the 20's--I hope it's the best one yet!

I love you!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Willam is officially engaged to Heather!

That is why he came to town, to buy her a ring. He flew home this morning because he had asked her parents to come in town so he "could talk to them." He asked them for her hand in marriage this afternoon, before Heather got home from the play she is currently working on--they were excited and said yes. Tonight she went into another room and when she came out he said "You didn't even ask me if I brought you a surprise from Dallas..." she said "Did you bring me candy?" (she loves Candyhaven in Denton) he said "Yes, look in the closet." When said walked back out, he was down on one knee. SO EXCITING!

I am so happy for both of them. It seems like he loved her from day 1 about 2 years ago--he has always been so happy with her. She has been with him through a really rough year and never blinked an eye. I welcome her into our family--I'm excited to have a new "sister."

My mom would be thrilled--she loved Heather and would be so proud of them both.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Remember back when 4-20 meant something fun? That's so funny to me that I actually used to put a significance on it. Not that I ever actually celebrated it, but I did think of it as a holiday of sorts. Dork.

Actually though, it is a holiday, of sorts...just not the same sorts. Today is Ms. Nancy "Leanna" Stockdale's 34th birthday. I love Leanna. She's a peach. I don't remember first meeting her exactly, but I know it was at "Big Jen and Little Jen's house" in Lewisville back many (7 or 8 or so) years ago. All I really knew about her before meeting her was that everyone loved her. I found out why very quickly--she has this big amazing personality and a heart to match--she's so laid back and just takes everything in stride. Vic and I were talking about her a few days ago and how she is just always there--she's everybody's rock--and she's a funny rock, too. She came to my house several times when Vic and I were having really hard times, she was at my house almost before I was the day Mom died, she even came over and hung out w/ me while our dearest Rue restrained. Did I mention that she also helped keep Pud, Slap, Mandy, and Tamalca under control (well, as much as possible...) in Vegas at my wedding?! Wow. Anyway, I just wanted to wish her a very very Happy Day.

OH! She also hates the name Nancy, but it's one of my favorite names so she can't get too mad at me for using it.

In other news, William flew in last night. Stay tuned for some exciting news about him! He's getting so old! Makes me wanta sing "Mommy, WOW, he's a big boy NOW!"

Sunday, April 01, 2007

I updated my links on the side. I took off all the people that don't really post anymore. I added "Sassy Sarah." This is my dear friend Sarah Pfalzer (Schmitt since 2001--seems like yesterday--that was a fun weddin'!) from Cali, and she's fabulous. She and I met at Santa Catalina when we were mere pups. She, husband John, and daughter Avery live in TN. She posts lots of good pictures!

Saturday, March 31, 2007

I don't eat fried things very often--I don't cook them at all, and other than fries...well, I just don't eat um very often...BUT, in the past two weeks I've had two new fried things. Fried macaroni and cheese and fried stuffed black olives. Both very tasty. The fried M&C was at the Cheesecake Factory, it was delich. The olives were at a new little place in Lake Dallas that I forgot the name--they were stuffed w/ asiago cheese & breaded with italian bread crumbs and fried. They weren't as good as I had hoped, but still yummy.

Speaking of fried things, my brain hurts. My Dad's pending bride is planning a wedding that is making me want to pull my hair out. She has changed her mind so many times-about the dresses, the invitations, everything...except the groom. I have been sunny and supportive--I even ordered my bridesmaid's dress in turquoise with a smile on my face. Today she told me that she is having a hard time with the wording of the invitations. She was trying to figure out a way to say "our kids invite you," and was thinking of listing out all of our names. I told her that I think she should just say "Bob and Sheri invite you." She went into this whole schpill about the joining of two families. Well, the more I thought about it, the more I didn't like it. So I called my dad and told him that I would rather them not use my name on the invites, that I didn't think that was being fair to William and I. He got mad. He said that we (William and I) are making it "hard on him to move on." I got mad back and told him that we were having to answer questions like "how old is she?" and "does she work?" Because people assume that the only type of person willing to date a man widowed BY SUICIDE less than a year later has to be a twenty-something golddigger. I told him that I feel like I have gone above and beyond to be supportive.

The thing about it, is that he can "replace" his wife. We can't "replace" our mom. I understand that. He doesn't. He said that he didn't ask to be single. Well, I didn't ask to be momless, have a step mother, or to wear a damn turquoise dress. But I did ask for him not to use my name on the invitations. I don't think that's too big of a request.

Don't know what the next 3 months will hold. I guess I should have held off on ordering the dress. If he is going to accuse me of not being supportive--I can be. It shall be interesting.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

So I don't think I've mentioned it here before, but I am a tad obsessed with Rachael Ray. I have always watched 30 minute meals and $40 a Day when I catch them, but when I heard that she had a new talk show--I tivoed it. That was months ago. I've not missed an episode since. Yes, I know--she bugs--I hear that from most people I tell that I love her. Her expressions like "yummo" and "evoo" can grate the nerves at first...but I now find those things endearing. But what really brings me to admit this was Friday's episode. This woman wrote in because her husband of like 13 years is being sent to Afghanistan. He's been in the National Guard for 18 years and was going to get out in just 3 months...but then was called up for an 18 month tour. While he's gone he is turning 40--but he's a leap year baby, so it's actually just his 10th b-day. Rachael flew a bunch of his friends and family there and turned it into a surprise party. The guy thought that he was going to film a testimonial about life insurance, but when he got there everyone surprised him and the whole show was around him and things that go with being apart from loved ones for long periods of time. Rachael gave he and his wife each a Mac book so they can ichat, wrote a recipe for him using his favorite foods, had Edwin McCain come sing to him because he's his favorite, etc. He cried through the whole show, his wife cried, Rachael cried, I cried--it was so sweet! So there it is, a public admission. I love Rachael Ray.

For the last 3 nights I've had dreams about orange soda. I've thought for the last 2 days it just meant I was thirsty, so I've drank extra water. But today I finally gave in. I drove Vic to the store and made him go in and buy some. And, wow. It's so good. I've never in my life wanted orange soda...but it is the best thing I've ever had in my mouth.

I don't often "love" Youtube videos. Many amuse me, but most make me feel like I've just wasted part of my existence that I will never get back--but today someone sent me this one and I think it's flabulous! It's called "Fat Rant" by Joy Nash...yall should check it out!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

So many things to blog!

March 7-11
Vic and I went to my 10 year reunion at Santa Catalina in Monterey, CA. Wednesday night we flew in to San Jose and spent the night with Tamalca then Thursday went and spent a day in San Francisco. We hung out on Pier 39 and went to Alcatraz--Vic had never been to Northern CA, so we had to be tourists! That night we drove down to Monterey to eat at my favorite restaurant, The Chart House. Then Friday and Saturday we did the reunion stuff...went to class, wandered around the campus, hung out w/ tons of friends, etc. We stayed at Whitney's grandparents house in Carmel Valley, which is just beautiful! It was such a good weekend--I was not ready to come home!

March 10
1 year since Mom's death. The dread was worse than the day. I had worried so much about it being just horrible, but it was just another day. I am really glad we had reunion stuff to do and that we weren't just chillin' at home. On the contrary, the worst day was last Friday (the 16th) because it was the Friday before my spring break which is what last year March 10th was. I think the "spring break fever" of all the kids (and teachers!) at school just reminded me of that day last year when 1/2 way through the day I was called to the office and told that Mom was dead...but, I made it and was semi-productive so moving on...

March 16-18
Big as Texas-the size acceptance assembly aka fat convention that I go to every year. It was great. It was a smaller crowd this year, but I really enjoyed it. One of my favorite things was yoga for large bodies--Melissa Taylor is from Baton Rouge and teaches workout classes for fat chicks there. She was the keynote speaker this year and taught her yoga class--so much fun! I bought the book that she gets a lot of her stuff out of, Megayoga by Megan Garcia, and I'm going to try and start doing some of it.

So now I'm on spring break. I have been planning forever to go to Midland/Hobbs this week. But by the time I recovered from all the stuff of the last two weeks, had gyno & allergy Dr. appointments, got Nancy groomed (for the first time since about Thanksgiving!),'s now Thursday. So I'm not going to make it out west. Tonight we (me, Vic, Jamey, and Doug...oh yeah, and Bryan) are surprising Kim for her birthday (yesterday) at the Cheesecake Factory in Southlake. And tomorrow Vic and I are thinking about heading to Fossil Rim and Dinosaur Valley State Park. I'm just dying to see the dino foot prints!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Vic and I went to FL last weekend to see Vic's family--his grandparents from Syracuse, NY are spending the winter there. We stayed in Lakeland, FL...just outside of Orlando. Here we are at Epcot center (which was AWESOME!):

We also went to the (self proclaimed?)world capital of strawberries, Plant City, FL and went to the largest strawberry farm in FL--it was awesome!

Ohhh! And we saw several cars sporting this bummer sticker: "Anyone but Hillary-2008." I don't know about ANYONE, but I thought that was great!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Happy Birthday to Davis!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I added Miss H (Teacher Catherine) to my links ober dare on the side. She's the T in Team Teacher w/ me. It's the two of us w/ our paraprofessionals, mine is Marvelous Marvel and hers is Glorious Grejoria.

So today, someone asked me what alphabet my students are working on. I wasn't aware that there was more than one taught in US public schools, so my answer was that we are working on the ABC alphabet. That is just one of many reasonswhy she says that we are becoming raving idiots.

Anyway, assuming that she continues to remember where she put this blog, she is rather entertaining and yall should read her.

Did I mention that my Dad just called and asked me if I would help Sheri plan there wedding. And, yes, I'm serious. Save the date--July 7 at 7 p.m. (7/7/07). Neat, huh?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

There is a new movie that I love. It's Kung Fu Hustle. I loved it so much that I watched it twice right in a row. It's like Pulp Fiction meets Roger Rabbit in Chinese. Anyway, I know that most people won't dig it like I did--but I laughed and laughed.

I'm praying for Melanie and Drake and all those involved.

BTW, Misti, I have drank a gallon of water a day for years now. And 64 oz of that are in my sleep--I've mastered the art of sleep drinking. I believe that Mandy does also. So that's who drinks that much water :).


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