Wednesday, April 03, 2002

Birthdays are never good. There are only 3 that count. At 16 you are sweet, at 21 you are legal, and at 65 you get discounts for being officially old. Vic was 27 yesterday. It was just an all around crappy day. Too bad. Even the weather was dreary.

I have an appointment to get MFR (myofacial release, like massage therapy, but not) today, but I can't seem to figure out where. I hate places that only have answering machines. It wants me to leave a message and someone to call me back. I need to leave my house in 20 minutes to make it to Denton, where the appt. is, and I don't have time to leave a message and wait. AND I'm not going to leave if I don't know where I'm going. The logical thing is to look on the net or in the phone book, but I don't know what it's called...I only know the woman's name I have an appt w/. Figures.

This weekend J-Ko (aka Jamey) and I are going to chill. I need to go to Crate and Barrel in Dallas and that's not far from her casa, then I am taking her to see my house. That's actually a pretty good drive, but it must be done. She has named my house Martha's Vineyard. Funny funny.

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