Wednesday, April 10, 2002

Who in carnation was Murphy? And why did he make up this Law that has been in full effect in my life all day?

I am the most debt-free person I know. I don't owe anyone money, other than my current utilities bills. I have had several store credit cards (Pier 1, Target, Lane Bryant, etc.). I have a Master Card that is paid in full every month. I own my car, it is paid for. I have a job, two actually. So why the hell won’t Sears let me finance my refrigerator???

They say they can't verify my address. You know how I got the response from them as to why I was turned down???

That's right. BY MAIL. They mailed the rickin' frackin' letter to my frickin' rackin' address that they claim can't be verified.

I've got good credit, but I seem to live in a nonexistent place. My cable bill is about 5 days late, so by the time I move and have a verifiable address, my credit will probably be bad.

The last time they said that I had a "blemish" on my credit was because it showed that I owed Pier 1 the whopping amount of ONE DOLLAR. I freaked, called Pier 1 and they said that I owed 42 cents and that must be a mistake and waved it.

I hate credit. It is a stupid thing. I will go back to the way real women save money. In the piggy bank.

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