Wednesday, April 17, 2002

Yeah! Misti is coming of age in the net world! She has found the literal disgust for forwards. I have to admit that I do love a good picture forward. You know the "Priceless" ones or "Will work for beer" kinds. If I can glace at it and get it, I will look. If it's long, it's gone. (I'm a rhymin' simon!). It also depends on who it's from. If someone that doesn't ever send forwards sends one...then I know it's probably worthwhile. But I actually very rarely get them anymore.

Vic's gone to Lubbock. Sad sad. He has to make up some army days tomorrow and Friday and then does the regular April drill this weekend. He hasn't been gone from me since he moved here back in November. I went home for Christmas for 4 days, and then went home when Paw died in February for 3 days. Other than that, we are together damn near 24/7. Not really, because he works at least 32 hours a week and I work 20-28 hours (but even some of those he is up there w/ me!). But I only have one class that he's not in. And neither one of us has a life. SO, I'm bored. Mandy is out and about too...God only knows where! And she too will be gone this weekend, so then I will be 100% on my own.

My plan tonight was simple: eat somewhere that Vic doesn't like to eat and bring it home and eat it at the kitchen table, another thing he doesn't like to do. La Madeline was my restaurant of choice, and they threw in a free loaf of sour dough bread. I love them. Clearing off a spot on the flat-filing cabinet was not as easy, but it was well worth it once I had a spot. Kitty even came and sat in the chair next to me and Fance Nance ate her dinner at the same time. I attempted to tell them about my day, but every time I would begin speaking, Nancy would stop eating and look at me. She needed to eat and they were just glad I was home, so I didn't tell them much.

Not real sure what's next. I MUST start packing. The movers will be here at 9 a.m. sharp on Friday the 26th. That's like 8 days from now and not a single thing has been packed. Aye carumba. I believe I will begin with some laundry tonight. Good idea.

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