Thursday, April 18, 2002

I am so proud of Moe. Just like Misti coming of age with the world of pointless forwards, Moe is going to take time to better herself. I love to harp that no man is an island, but if you aren't going to get yourself together; no one else is going to do it for you. It's hard to set up limits, and it's even harder to stick by them. We are all pulling for you! Go MOE! If you need anything, I'm only a blog away. Speaking of needing things. I want a moe address. Please? When you have time, of course...and that may be next Christmas break, but if you will refer back to my very first ever blog post, I like to bandwagon :).

So today, in my Diversity in Social Services class, there were all these people with red faces and tears and stuff. It was really tense. So these two women walk in to speak. My gaydar pegged the meter. One was way obvious; the other would have only been about a 7.3 on the meter. They are late 40ish. They tell their stories about coming out, life as a lesbian couple, meeting at their (nondenominational, Christian, not gay) church, etc. So the class starts asking religious based questions (i.e.: But the Bible says...., so how do you claim to be Christian and gay???) This girl raises her hand, one girl that *always* talks and says, "This is my mom." One of the lesbians was her mom. It was cool. The whole class just stopped, like everyone held their breath. I love when people are taken by surprise and confronted with their own fears about people.

The teacher of this class always, always, always says "We are not afraid of the unknown, we are afraid of what we *think* we know." And that is so true. We fear our own what-ifs. We dream up these situations and if someone fits the description of our dream, or nightmare, we assume that they will fit the bill and play into our situations. This same teacher preaches that "Just because they look like you does not mean they are with you, and just because they don't look like you doesn’t mean they are against you." Again, very true.

One thing that I picked up out of the gay/religion debate was a cool quote that a girl said in defense of people saying that gay people couldn't be Christian. She said:

"Churches are not a haven for saints, but a hospital for sinners."

Beautifully spoken, but can't we all just get along? Back to work...

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