Wednesday, April 10, 2002

So AT&T has this new thing that you can pay like 20 bucks a month and talk unlimited to other AT&T customers. The fine print at the bottom of the screan says that it's 7 cents a minute to those who are not AT&T customers. That sounds like a swell deal to me. I just talked to Misit for 2 hours and 39 minutes. My current rates are 7 cents out of state and 10 cents in state. That means that since she lives in Midland, the one damn coversation was $23.90. Holy little smokies Batman. If everyone I know would switch to AT&T (including myself), I could talk as much as I'd like for less that one typical conversation w/ cousin Misti.

So what do yall say? Let's all make the switch! Here's the link to check it out!

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