Monday, April 15, 2002

It takes a lot to "offend" me. Need not be worried mi prima! I just simply had to set the record straight. I would like to someday be married, but I don't *long* for it like many pre-thirtysomethings do. And thanks Moe, I love to be linked.

Misti and Moe. Does that sound like a set of cartoon buddies (we'll have them be....CHICKENS! Cartoon chickens!) to anyone other than me? Kind of like Ren and Stimpy meet Pinky and the Brain. Chicken Moe the computer guru that manages the operation, you know, the one that sits quietly in the back ground working on something ingenious, all the while being every so slightly disrupted by the chattering of Chicken Misti and her crazy antics.

I see Chicken Misti more as the hen-type, with a silly hat and a purse like Ma on the Golden Girls. Chicken Moe is more the business-casul type, with chic specticles and a voice-recorder-reminder-note-to-self-stick-thing. Yes, and a martini, Chicken Moe should be drawn with a martini--shaken, not stirred--of course.

Sounds like a ween-ner!

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